ZCode System

Winning Picks

Sports betting is a HUGE industry! Billions of dollars are floating out there waiting to be grabbed… and with a mathematical approach, you can get the edge needed!!

What is ZCode™?

ZCode™ could be called a "Betting Robot" but actually it is much, much more

ZCode System

ZCode VIP Club Pass

Fully Automatic Sports Picks with 100% transparent performance since 1999
THE community of winning Experts that DO WIN in sports and have been for years
Professional Tools to help you win – Line Reversals, Total predictors, Oscillators

About ZCode System

(from their website)

Never has anyone in the betting niche given out a service or product to make money first and be charged later because they knew it would not work or that theirs would be a crappy product. The performance was fully verified by thousands of people who followed us on facebook during the beta-testing period, commenting on every win or loss. When you are winning, you don’t have to hide your results. That’s why we agreed to perform a public monitoring of our results on an independent pick-monitor as well. Over the past 5 YEARS, we have followed our own system picks and documented all our bets, so that anyone could verify them. We even got into the top 5 world cappers with ZCode™!

It takes into account over 80 different parameters in every game such as player conditions, injuries, Home or Away team, goalies, past performance, predicted future performance, trainers, events, importance of matches, rivalries, feuds, and so MUCH more, all to calculate a very precise outcome.

ZCode™ is not looking for only a winner and a loser. It seeks the “value” in each game, where you can make the most money with the smallest risk possible… therefore it predicts bets such as “how many goals will fall” or ” who’s going to score the most points” or “will there be more than 5 goals or less”… seeking the value in every game and giving you the most earnings!

ZCode™ is a robot!
… it’s a machine, a “code” so to speak… it has no favourite players or teams… it is ice cold and tracks performance & performance only! Handicappers who predict games tend to have favourites, even if they don’t admit it… their choices are emotional… and without 100% objectivity, you can never be as accurate as a proven prediction model… that’s why, we eat handicappers for breakfast!