Hawaiian Airlines

Welcome Back to Island Time

Hawaiian Airlines

Your flight to PARADISE

Hawaiian Airlines

Miles No Longer expire

Effective immediately, HawaiianMiles are no longer subject to activity-based expiration. So the miles earned through flights and with our HawaiianMiles Partners will remain available for members whenever they are ready to use them.

About Hawaiian Airlines

(from their website)

James Kennedy merged Inter-Island Steam Navigation Company with Wilder Steamship Co. to form the largest fleet of steamers serving Hawaii.

Stanley C. Kennedy, a Citation Star Navy pilot, convinced the board of directors of Inter-Island Steam Navigation of the importance of air service to the Territory and formed Inter-Island Airways

In October, a Bellanca monoplane offered sightseeing service for $5 per person (the original Bellanca has been restored in Oregon and is flying with us today).

On November 11th, Inter-Island Airways’ first scheduled flight from Honolulu to Hilo, stopping at Maui, took three hours and fifteen minutes.

Name changed to Hawaiian Airlines to pave the way for Transpacific operations.

Three new 24-passenger DC‑3s were flown in formation form Oakland, CA, to Honolulu in 13 hours and 54 minutes—then the longest over-water flight made by a DC‑3.

On December 7th, Hawaiian Airlines DC‑3 #9 with 24 passengers had its cockpit hit by Japanese fire at Pearl Harbor. An engine caught fire, but a stray bullet hit the fire extinguisher, putting out the flames. No one was hurt and this event made Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not.”

First pressurized, air-conditioned cabin service with 44-passenger Convair 340s, costing $520,000 each.