Gillette UK

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GilletteLabs Heated Razor Starter Kit

About Gillette

(from their website)

There had to be a better, more affordable way for men to get a close and comfortable shave. There had to be a way to bring the barber’s chair into the bathroom.

A man named King C. Gillette worked this out. King Gillette created his first safety razor blade specifically to bring the qualities of the barber’s shave into the home. And while he endeavoured to keep improving his designs until no further improvement was possible, the evolution of men’s razors has outlived King Gillette and is still continued by the company that bears his name.

Razor Innovation

The history of shaving has grown alongside the evolution of the men’s razor. The shape of the cartridge and the number of blades have changed over time, and a pivot has been introduced between the blades and handle—such as on the Fusion5™ ProGlide with FlexBall Technology — to better simulate the pivot of a barber’s wrist and allow better interaction between the razor and skin.

Each iteration of the Gillette razor has brought us closer to replicating the skill of the barber. As technology advances, so too do our razors, trimmers, shaving gels and foams and other grooming products.