Master Swiss Chocolatier

Since 1845

Enjoy Lindt

World of Lindt


About Lindt

(from their website)

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG, more commonly known simply as Lindt, is a Swiss chocolatier and confectionery company founded in 1845 and known for its chocolate truffles and chocolate bars, among other sweets. It is based in Kilchberg, where its main factory and museum are located.
Confectioner David Sprüngli-Schwarz and his inventive son, Rudolf Sprüngli-Ammann, own a small confectionery shop in the Marktgasse of Zurich’s Old Town. They decide to employ a fashionable new recipe from Italy for manufacturing chocolate in solid form.

Rodolphe Lindt, one of the most famous chocolate-makers of his day, developed a technique by which he could manufacture chocolate superior to all others of that period in aroma and melting characteristics. Lindt used the “conche” he had invented, producing chocolate with the wonderfully delicate flavor and melting quality which we know and love to this day. His “melting chocolate” soon achieved fame, and contributed significantly to the worldwide reputation of Swiss chocolate.


In 1994, Lindt & Sprüngli acquired the Austrian chocolatier Hofbauer Österreich and integrated it, along with its Küfferle brand, into the company. In 1997 and 1998, respectively, the company acquired the Italian chocolatier Caffarel and the American chocolatier Ghirardelli, and integrated both of them into the company as wholly-owned subsidiaries. Since then, Lindt & Sprüngli has expanded the once-regional Ghirardelli to the international market.

Seasonal Confectioneries

The Lindt group also produces the Gold Bunny, a hollow milk chocolate rabbit in a variety of sizes available every Easter since 1952. Each bunny wears a small colored ribbon bow around its neck identifying the type of chocolate contained within. The milk chocolate bunny wears a red ribbon, the dark chocolate bunny wears a dark brown ribbon, the hazelnut bunny wears a green ribbon, and the white chocolate bunny wears a white ribbon. Other chocolates are wrapped to look like carrots, chicks, or lambs. The lambs are packaged with four white lambs and one black lamb.

During the Christmas season, Lindt produces a variety of items, including chocolate reindeer (which somewhat resemble the classic bunny), Santa, snowmen figures of various sizes, bears, bells, advent calendars, and chocolate ornaments. Various tins and boxes are available in the Lindt stores, the most popular colour schemes being the red and blue. Other seasonal items include Lindt chocolate novelty golf balls.

For St. Valentine’s Day, Lindt sells a boxed version of the Gold Bunny, which comes as a set of two kissing bunnies. Other Valentine’s Day seasonal items include a selection of heart-shaped boxes of Lindt chocolate truffles.

Due to the 3rd UK lockdown and with all chocolate shops shut, Lindt has begun offering virtual tasting sessions (Feb 2021) with LINDT EXCELLENCE chocolatiers. The experiences can be bought online from their website and include a box of chocolates which are delivered, along with details of how to book the one-hour tasting.